Storytelling competences for adult educators in basic education and political education
Erasmus+ K2- StoryComp je projekt, ki je financiran s strani programa Erasmus + v okviru Ključnega ukrepa 2: Sodelovanje za inovacije in izmenjavo dobrih praks. Strateška partnerstva za izobraževanje odraslih.
Trajanje projekta: 1. 11. 2020- 30. 10. 2022
Pripovedovanje zgodb je ena najstarejših oblik izobraževanja: ljudje so skozi zgodbe vedno delili svoje izkušnje, opažanja, spoznanja, kulturna prepričanja, tradicije, zgodovino, saj si vsebine, ki se prenašajo skozi zgodbe lažje zapomnimo. Metoda pripovedovanja zgodb se v izobraževanju odraslih premalo uporablja.
Projekt StoryComp razvija celovit pristop kombiniranega učenja, z namenom sistematičnega vključevanja metode pripovedovanja zgodb v izobraževanje odraslih.
Cilji projekta:
1. Razviti metodološki okvir,
katerega namen je razvoj programov za usposabljanje izobraževalcev odraslih. Na osnovi pridobljenega znanja, bodo le-ti usposobljeni za vključevanje metode pripovedovanja zgodb v programe izobraževanja odraslih.
2. Razviti on-line usposabljanje in platformo,
izobraževalci odraslih bodo preko on-line usposabljanja in platforme, poleg znanja dobili tudi ustrezne pripomočke za izvajanje in uporabo metode pripovedovanja zgodb v praksi (evropska zbirka primernih zgodb, video vaje o tehnikah in metodah, navodila za delavnice pripovedovanja zgodb itd.). Platforma bo zagotavljala tudi virtualen prostor, kjer se bodo izobraževalci odraslih lahko povezali z drugimi kolegi, si izmenjali izkušnje in sodelovali v razpravah.
3. Izdelati navodila za delavnice pripovedovanja zgodb
ki bodo ponudile praktične usmeritve in motivirale izobraževalce odraslih, da bodo skupaj s kolegi na delavnicah urili in izboljševali svoje sposobnosti pripovedovanja zgodb.
V projekt je poleg LU Jesenice vključenih še 7 organizacij, ki delujejo na področju izobraževanja odraslih:
– Stadt Leipzig Volkshochschule, Germany (koordinator projekta)
– Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gGmbH, Germany
– CVO VOLT, Belgium
– Die Wiener Volkshochschulen, Austria
– Fabula Storytelling, Sweden
– PLATO, Netherlands
– Pistes Solidaires, France
20. marec
Pred davnimi, davnimi časi…
Ali ste vedeli, da metoda pripovedovanja zgodb izvira iz Švedske? In da poteka svetovni dan pripovedovanja zgodb 20. marca potekaže vse od leta 1990?
Ob tej priložnosti smo veseli, da vam lahko predstavimo mednarodni Erasmus+ projekt StoryComp, z glavnim ciljem razviti pripovedovanje zgodb kot orodje za prenos znanja in razvoj veščin v izobraževanju odraslih.
Če želite izvedeti več, si oglejte spodnjo infografiko ⬇
March, 20th
Once upon a time…
Did you know that World Storytelling Day has been created in the early 1990s and its originally from Sweden?
In this occasion we are glad to present you StoryComp, an European Erasmus+ project that aim is to develop Storytelling as a tool for knowledge transmission and skills development in adult education.
To learn more, check our infographic below ⬇
Vienna, Dunaj
12. in 13. oktober 2021
Ljudska univerza Jesenice kot projektni partner sodeluje v Erasmus+ K2 StoryComp- kompetence pripovedovanja zgodb za izobraževalce odraslih. Na projektnem sestanku, ki se je v teh dneh odvijal na Dunaju, smo z drugimi projektnimi partnerji oblikovali smernice programov in delavnic za izobraževalce odraslih in vključevanje metode pripovedovanja zgodb v programe izobraževanja odraslih.
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Jesenice, Slovenija
21. in 22. marec 2022
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The StoryComp project develops a comprehensive, sequential blended learning approach with the aim of systematically establishing storytelling as a method in two areas of adult education: basic education and political education/education on active citizenship.
Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of education: Through stories, people have always shared their experiences, observations, insights, cultural beliefs, traditions, history. What is quite normal and entertaining around the campfire is still far too little used in adult education with its potential. We know not only from everyday experience, but also scientifically confirmed, e.g. by the neurobiologist Gerald Hüther, how important the emotional level is for remembering: “Everything that gets under the skin is inevitably better stored” ( But this is not the only reason why contents that are conveyed through stories are easier to remember: “Pure information can only be linked to a limited extent. But if you package it into a story, you provide many points of reference to already existing memory content” (ibidem).
Adult education can and should take advantage of this – and there the StoryComp project comes in. For this project, a European partnership of seven countries with experts in the relevant fields has come together to produce the following materials:
… as a basis for the StoryComp concept, which aims at providing self-directed training opportunities for adult educators in storytelling as a creative method for promoting competence acquisition among adult learners in basic education and education on active citizenship.
… as the “heart” of the project and a prerequisite for adult educators to be able to fundamentally acquire the method of storytelling with the online course and to have the necessary resources for its implementation and application in practice (European collection of suitable stories, video tutorials on techniques and methods, instructions for storytelling workshops, etc.). The platform will also provide the possibility of a virtual storytelling community where adult educators can network with others, share experiences and discuss.
… as a practice-oriented, modular and thus directly and flexibly applicable guideline with the aim to motivate and guide adult educators to practice and improve their storytelling skills together with colleagues in workshops.
All products of the project will be available as open educational resources on the StoryComp platform, freely usable and modifiable.
The target groups of the project, which also will be directly involved in the development and implementation of the project in all partner countries, are adult educators in the field of basic education and in the field of education on active citizenship and political education. In addition, the project is aimed at people with responsibility for the further development of educational concepts of the institutions and for the further training of adult educators, too.