Erasmus+ KA2 – E-učenje za 2035 « Ljudska univerza Jesenice

Erasmus+ KA2 – E-učenje za 2035


E-učenje za 2035 (e-Learning for 2035) je projekt, ki je financiran s strani programa Erasmus + in prijavljen v okviru Ključnega ukrepa 2:

Sodelovanje za inovacije in izmenjavo dobrih praks. Strateška partnerstva za izobraževanje odraslih.


Trajanje projekta: 1. 9. 2019 – 31. 8. 2021


Izobraževanje odraslih in vseživljenjsko učenje sta temelj za trajnostno in uspešno družbo prihodnosti.

Z izvajanjem tega projekta pomagamo izobraževalcem odraslih pri razvoju ustreznih kompetenc za podporo individualni in poklicni rasti odraslih v digitalni dobi.




Izobraževanje odraslih je ključ do trajnosti in blaginje družbe v prihodnosti. Da bi pomagali odraslim, da se usmerjajo v svoj osebni in karierni razvoj, izpolnjujejo zahteve trga dela, odkrivajo nova delovna mesta, moramo pričeti pri usposabljanju izobraževalcev odraslih in poskrbeti, da le-ti vseskozi nadgrajujejo in razvijajo svoje kompetence, potrebne za kakovostno in inovativno izobraževanje in usposabljanje odraslih udeležencev. Ravno to je glavna tema projekta E-učenje za 2035.


Cilji projekta:

  1. Predvideti in zapisati značilnosti izobraževanja odraslih v letu 2035 (na podlagi pregleda opravljenih raziskav na tem področju po vsem svetu in priporočil za izobraževalce odraslih)
  2. Razviti brezplačni spletni tečaj za izobraževalce odraslih “Kompetence 2035”.  Izbrane kompetence so vezane na sledeča področja: individualizirano izobraževanje in celostno učenje, inovativnost in kreativnost (ustvarjanje novih vsebin s strani izobraževalcev za odrasle), aktivno učenje in strategije učenja ter izobraževanje za socialno podjetništvo in skupnostno zdravje.
  3. Izdelati metodologijo in pripomoček/orodje za ugotavljanje in vrednotenje kompetenc izobraževalcev odraslih v letu 2035.


V projekt so poleg LU Jesenice vključene še 4 organizacije, ki delujejo na področju izobraževanja odraslih:




Adult education is the key to sustainability and prosperity of society in future. In order to help adult learners to be self-directed in their development, meet the requirements of the labour market, discover new jobs, cooperate on international level, we should start with the educators and contribute to extending and developing their competences. 


The project partnership is represented by five organisations, working in the field of adult education: EDUCRAFTOR, Finland; L.C. EDUCATIONAL, Cyprus; Ljudska univerza Jesenice, Slovenia; Sintagmi, Italy and Vestifex Adult Learning Centre, Estonia (the project coordinator). 


The objectives of the project team:

 1. To make a foresight for adult education in 2035 including overviews of the researches made worldwide and recommendations for adult educators (IO1) 

2. To work out a e-learning course for adult educators “Competences 2035” with overview of all the main competences listed in future forecasts and focus on specific competences for adult educators according to the partners’ backgrounds and experience (IO2). The selected competences are:  Personalised learning and holistic teaching (approaches of adult educators) – Vestifex Adult Learning Centre, Estonia  Innovation and design thinking (creation of new content by adult educators) – Educraftor, Finland  Active learning and learning strategies, including unlearning and relearning (providing learners with a key for individual success) – LCEducational, Cyprus  Education for social entrepreneurship and community health (competences to support learners for a sustainable society) – Sintagmi, Italy  The first two groups of competences are connected first of all with adult educators’ profile, the third – with learner’s development on individual level and the last one – with learners’ influence on society. 

3. To create a validation tool for the adult educator’s competences listed above (IO3). The responsible partner is Ljudska univerza Jesenice from Slovenia, which has a centre for validation of informal knowledge. They carry out procedures for adult educators learning validation and develop approaches for the monitoring and evaluation of key competences.  The project participants are 2 team members from each partner institution. They were selected at the preparation stage of the project and contributed to development of the project application. There are 10 persons involved in total. They are all adult educators. 


 The project results will be exploited in further activities of the partner organisations: carrying out the e-course ‘Competences 2035″ for the adult educators, using the foresight Adult education 2035 and validation tool for development of international cooperation, increasing cooperation with local, national and international educational providers, implementation of the project findings and ideas for sustained transversal skills development of adult learners, supporting the development of the educator’s competencies. The project information and materials will be open to public (on organisations’ websites, on Erasmus+ and EPALE platforms) and can be used by any stakeholders in education.

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  • Ljudska univerza Jesenice
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